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Delegating Gets Things Done!.. to be done diligently

It’s spring and there’s no better time than now to start making a list of things to do this summer. We’re talking about fun things like the trips you’d like to take with your family and the afternoons spent idling by the pool or at the beach. In order to do the fun things however, chances are you have a long list of “To Do’s” to get done before the adventures begin. If that sounds like you or someone you love, thE Concierge can help.

The trick is to delegate but to delegate efficiently you’ve got to delegate diligently. Here’s what we mean by delegating with diligence!


We don’t mind what you call it, whether it’s a monthly planner, a calendar, or a daily diary but the best delegators use the best tools available to PLAN for the work that needs to be done. Delegating requires first that you know what needs to get done and when is the best time for the work to be done.

Think about the upcoming “May 24” weekend as an example.

It’s likely a good time to plant flowers, but what needs to happen before you can plant? You probably need to clean up the garden beds, rake the lawns, remove all the winter detritus and probably even need to do some pruning and planning for what will be planted where.

Then there’s the shopping for plants, turning over the topsoil, maybe you even need new garden tools because when you put away your old ones last year they were rusty and worn.

In other words, there’s a lot more to planting flowers than just planting flowers!

Delegating tasks requires that you get out your daytimer and work backwards from the 24th to plan for all the work that needs to get done first.

While you’ve got the diary out……

Vacation time is hard to come by. Have you planned for you holidays?

Don’t waste valuable days off doing chores and things that “need to get done.”

Schedule ahead and consider using a resource that’s nearby, affordable and that exists to do the things you’d prefer not to do.

Coordinate with a spouse and children NOW for a summer of fun all season long. Get your calendars/diaries in sync for June, July and August. Are there sports tournaments happening and when? Can you build a few days of holiday time around them? Are the kids going to camp this year? (We can research and source camps for your kids and plan a weekend getaway for you while they’re gone!)

What needs to be done before you leave for any vacation time and/or what can be done while you’re gone? At thE Concierge we have a team that can help get you where you are going, by looking after everything you leave behind!

Here’s what we mean:

  • Bulk grocery shopping for your vacation.

  • Planning and scheduling hotels, Air BnB’s, destination tickets for events.

  • Spending a day at your home cleaning out the garage, prepping the gardens, pulling out the patio set, cleaning and getting you set up for summer – or sourcing you a gardening service and meeting and organizing other work to be done around the house with service providers on your behalf so you don’t waste a day off work doing mundane tasks.

  • Looking after your home while you are away. We’ll pick up the mail and the newspapers, water the lawns and flowers and check on your property for you.

  • Organizing your home while you’re gone! Let us do the decluttering of closets, linen cupboards and getting your kitchen in tip-top shape. Imagine coming back home to that!

These are just a few examples but there are so many more tasks

we can take on for you. If you’re like many however,

chances are the only thing stopping you – is YOU!

We’ve compiled this list of common responses clients have shared with us before using our services:

  • I don’t have anyone to do…….

  • No one knows how to do this quite like me……

  • You just don’t understand……

  • It’s going to take me forever to show someone else what to do……

  • I like things perfect……

  • I tried that before and it didn’t go very well……

  • I don’t know where to even start……

  • I can’t afford it……

These concerns are valid. We get it. That’s one of the reasons we talk about the importance of delegating with diligence. Just like in business, doing your due diligence means having a conversation with thE Concierge to talk about what you need done and clearly articulating your expectations for that work. We’ve been doing this for a long time now and because we hear these concerns time and time again, we get it and we have the answers.

Spend your summer sipping beverages poolside.

Get the diary out now and figure out what you can delegate to us and we will GET IT DONE.

Efficiency at the planning stage guarantees an effective end result.

Delegate to thE Concierge and diarize a summer full of fun for your family!

You’ll be so glad you did.

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