We’re entering into one of the busiest seasons at thE Concierge
but we are never too busy to take your call!
However you celebrate the holidays - and there is much to celebrate in December - utilizing the services of a concierge may just be one of
the best gifts you ever give to yourself.
That’s because while it can certainly be the jolliest of seasons,
it’s really only “jolly” for those who plan ahead.
If you’re not already thinking about December; holiday parties, gifts, celebratory champagne at New Year’s and more, there’s a good chance you will need some help along the way to make sure you are ready for your big holiDAY!
At thE Concierge, we are in the business of taking care of the details
so you don’t have to. Throughout the year that can mean any number of things but in November, planning for December,
Here is how our services can help you survive the season:
Get ready for the holidays with a clean out, reorganization and planning of the kitchen cupboards. Once we’re done, we will take that trip to Costco for you and stock up the pantry with everything you will need to get your holiday baking and meal prep completed. We will even make sure you have enough tupperware (and matching lids!) to be able to freeze for later, or gift your cookie and cake creations to friends and family.
Give us a list and send us off to the LCBO. Two services are available under this category: First, tell us how many parties you are hosting and we can stock up your bar accordingly with all the traditional holiday favourites - including a careful calculation of exactly how much and what types of alcohol you might need. As an alternative, provide us with a list of all your favourites (like red wines from California, or whites from New Zealand), establish your budget and we’ll shop for you and unpack and store everything properly. Without knowing the exact bottles you’ll receive, every new bottle opened with friends will be a gift in itself!
Outdoor lighting and features. Everyone loves the look of a home all decked out for the holidays but what a lot of work! Recent warm temperatures might have been a great time to put up your decor but let’s face it - we were all thinking of that one last chance to relive summer! If climbing a ladder is not your thing, or perhaps an accident or injury has temporarily set you back, we can help. Let us light up the holidays with lights and decor for your front door!
Speaking of lights, if Christmas is the day you celebrate but putting up the tree(s) is fraught with tangled strings of lights and tension that you could cut with a knife, call in our team of experts instead. Holiday decor isn’t a chore, it’s something we adore. You might consider services that include both putting up-and taking down-your Christmas tree, guaranteeing that everything will also be safely stowed away, well-organized and ready for next year.
November is also the time to plan ahead when it comes to holiday meals. We aren’t just talking about a trip to Costco either. Many families prefer fresh, organic and free-range options for their holiday meals and if that’s true for you, you’ll have to plan ahead and book your order now. The same goes for catered events you might wish to host. You may even have a specific list of specialty foods that are “must-haves” for your holiday celebrations but that are time-consuming to make by hand or hard to source during the busy season. If that sounds like you, hand over your holiday planning details to the team at thE Concierge and we’ll take care of bookings, ordering and napkins, plates, cutlery….you get the idea….in other words, we’ll take care of ALL the details.
Perhaps you are tired already as you contemplate this long list of “to-do’s” and we haven’t even mentioned everyone’s most favourite activity of all -
shopping for gifts!
For many families, this might be the first holiday in two or even three years that you’ll be spending together and we know you want to make it just right.
We can help with holiday gift shopping, wrapping, and just like Santa,
we’ll even help with the deliveries if you can’t gather in person!
Did someone say wrapping?
YES - we will gift-wrap - something we know many, many folks absolutely abhor.
Contact thE Concierge before too many more November days pass you by and find out how we can shop til we drop, wrap like an all-star and deliver the goods better and faster than the Polar Express.
We restore balance to your busy life
and what’s busier than the holiday season?
Contact thE Concierge to learn more about how to make sure the holidays are jolly days, simply by planning ahead.